Lade... - Account creation and server agent installation

How to setup 8SMONITORING-Agent on your server?

  1. Service Portal Link:
    8smonitoring Screen
  2. Please create an account under -->
    8smonitoring Sign Up
  3. Please fill in all mandatory fields. In case you have already purchased a ‘Professional’ license on our store, your account will be automatically switched from ‘Free’ to ‘Professional’.
  4. After successful creation of your account you need to confirm the registered email address.
    8smonitoring Account Creation 2a    8smonitoring Account Creation 3a
  5. After confirmation of your email address, you can login to your personal dashboard -->
    8smonitoring Demo User Dashboard
  6. To add your first server for monitoring, please click on the button --> “New Server”
  7. Enter your server or host name (we recommend to add the name based on FQDN, server hostname or your website URL)
    8smonitoring Demo Add New Server
  8. Setup notification alerts. There are 3 major threshold for system resource usage alert: RAM Usage, CPU Usage & Disk usage
  9. Once you fill in all details, just click on “Create Server”
  10. Our system is now generating the ‘One-line-Command-Installer’ code for you. Please login with ‘root’ credentials on your ‘SSH’ server and paste the generated code. For agent installation on your server, please make sure that Python Version greather then 2.6 is installed on your server (Python shoud be preinstalled on all Linux OS after 2012). Otherwise the script cannot collect the realtime data from your server.
    8smonitoring Installer Agent
  11. Sometimes ‘Crontab’ is not available on the client server. You can easily install ‘Crontab’ with the following ‘SSH’ command.
    IMPORTANT: The installation step is only required in case ‘Crontab’ is missing on your server. 
  1. The ‘Agent’ installation is finished. Please go back to your dashboard. After a view minutes you will see the monitored server in the overview. The data on server details page will appaer 5-10 minutes after the first synchronisation. 
    8smonitoring Server Dashboard


Install Python

Ubuntu Operating System
1) sudo apt-get update
2) sudo apt-get install python 
Centos Operating System
1) sudo yum -y update
2) yum install gcc
3) cd /usr/src
4) wget
5) tar xzf Python-2.7.13.tgz
6) cd Python-2.7.137)
7) ./configure
8) make altinstall
9) python2.7 -V

* For a detailed install documentation, please search in google, bing or yahoo --> how to install ‘Python’ on Ubuntu 16.04 (Please replace Ubuntu 16.04 with your operating system)


How to remove agent from your server?

rm -R /etc/msmsys && (crontab -u msmsys -l | grep -v "/etc/msmsys/") | crontab -u msmsys - && userdel msmsy |